My studio will be open during the Tulsa Artist Fellowship First Friday event on February 2nd from 6 -9pm.
Displaying four mural paintings that were created for events at Lycée Paul Lapie and Ecollectif in France in 2021. Each painting depicts students inside of fantasy stories to encourage students to dive into the world of reading. The first Friday event is the first chance to see the paintings in America.
Studio #229 Tulsa Artist Fellowship Studios. 109 N MLK Jr. Boulevard, Tulsa, OK 74103
I am fortunate to have received an Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition Community Artist Partnership grant to expand my murals for Central High School for 2024. More information about this project at the event.
Other Open Studio events, March 1st, April 5th, May 3rd, June 7th, August 2nd, September 6th, October 4th, November 1st and December 6th.
My painting “Digital Heart” that was an illustration for short story “First Date” by Laura Duerrwaechter in Space and Time Magazine #145 will be on view at the open studio event.
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